How is B-eZy solving the issues of women in India?
It's an age old practice of a family that a woman is expected to take care of the family events even though she is a working lady. This expectation from a woman in the family still persists even in a case when a woman is ill or in her monthly periods. Life generally becomes challenging for mothers, sisters and wives in a family in such case where women are working professionals. So is the case for a single mothers or fathers. The case becomes even more challenging when there is a school or college going children to take care. Hence, It is naturally frustrating for the current generation ladies or millennials to keep up to these expectations in a family owing to their career commitments or health hazards. In many cases they are expressly unwilling to keep up to this expectation. It is evident in many families that this expectation gap is creating tensions in a family and taking shape of family quarrels leading to unhealthy family environment.
On the other hand, festival occasions religiously require thorough cleanliness or preparations followed by many other ritualistic practices. Due to this, women members in the family are deprived of enjoying the festive vibe because they will be busy in cleaning the house, preparations and over all house sanitations. It becomes emotionally challenging and tiring for women members that they are deprived of enjoying personal moments during festive seasons. Same case goes with a death case in a family. The requirements of cleanliness, especially while receiving many friends and families at home, makes key family members forget to spend quality personal time to mourn. Sadly, these cannot be valued in most absolute monetary terms. These unspoken issues have been persisting in society and have not been given detailed care.
Amidst these, women in the family generally are deprived of “self-care”.
Therefore, to overcome these issues and to provide comfort to women in our societies, B-eZy comes up with its unique mobile application-based platform on which one can place order for housekeeping professionals to serve at doorstep. By ordering housekeeping professionals through B-eZY mobile application / website you can save your time to focus on personal activities and improve family time and self-care which comes with pocket friendly cost.
How is B-eZy helping senior citizens in our society?
Many lonely parents whose children are staying abroad are spending lonely time at home. They struggle each day for their daily routine including cooking, celebrating delicious foods during festivals, and keeping their house clean, etc. Hence, these categories of citizens around us deserve special care and facilities at their doorstep.
In order to solve the challenges faced by senior citizens in India, B-eZy comes up with its mobile based unique applications through which one can place order for cleaning, cooking and other housekeeping services at doorstep. By using B-eZY mobile application platform / website you can save your time to focus on personal activities, improve family time and self-care and make your old age life comfortable. All these comes with reasonable cost.
How is B-eZy helpful for corporates?
Business houses generally focus on their core business developments. Housekeeping is a non core activity for the business house and hence, its is considered as a mundane house-keeping activities. In the same time, cleanliness is an important factor to maintain office hygiene and hence, should be prioritized in a professional manner. Many a times it is seen that the lack of suitable office hygiene and maintenance creates a lot of unpleasant circumstances for the management.
Hence, Using B-eZY mobile application platform / website can facilitate focusing on core business without Jeopardizing office hygiene and increase productivity which comes with reasonable cost / hit to pocket.
Who can be best benefited?
- Houses where couples are working and raising a school going child
- Joint/large families
- Senior citizens staying alone whose children are staying abroad / in other states
- Families where there is funeral, and each day cleaning / sanitation is required
- Working women / men staying in an apartment together
- Families where there is a function and cleaning / sanitation is required so that women can spend time for them
- Students staying together in an apartment
- Schools/ colleges/temples/government offices/ officers quarters, etc.
- Corporate offices
- Hotels
- Nursing Homes
What is the benefit one can get by ordering housekeeping service providers through B-eZy mobile application or web application?
By placing order for housekeeping services through B-eZy website or mobile application, you can;
• Save your time to focus on personal activities.
• Improve family time and self-care.
• Make your old age life comfortable.
• Facilitate focusing on core business without Jeopardizing office hygiene.
• Increase productivity in other important aspects of life
Which comes with,
• reasonable cost / hit to pocket.